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【一刻馆桌游预付团】New York 1901预定
- 品牌:一刻馆

Relive the dawn of modern New York City, the historic years that made it what it is today. Build bigger and higher skyscrapers on some of Lower Manhattan's most iconic streets. Raise one of four legendary skyscrapers — the Park Row, the Singer, the Metropolitan Life, or the majestic Woolworth — and make one of them the crown jewel of your real estate empire!
In New York (咨询特价), the players are building skyscrapers on a map of New York's Financial District. Players take location cards from a card's display and then use 2-3 of those location cards to place Tetris-shaped building tiles on the board. They first build bronze level buildings. Later in the game those buildings can be replaced by silver level and then gold level buildings.
一刻馆邮费说明:没有标注“包邮”的商品,已经设置了自动邮费。大宗购物请客服修改邮费。偏远地区如新疆,西藏,青海等,请客服咨询运费。港澳台的顾客注意了,下单后请客服洽谈运费,一般发顺丰到付,不客服者不发货。敬请谅解! Ps.本店顺丰一般发到付。特殊情况请客服。一刻馆免责声明:一刻馆所销售的桌游产品均为正版原装未拆封产品(特殊说明除外,比如损伤品等)。由于桌游产品的特殊性,一经拆封,即无法退换。桌游多为进口产品,作为零售商,并无义务提供产品质量上的售后服务。一般国际出版社自己负责全球的售后,如缺件少件的补发。需由玩家自己向出版社发Email申请售后服务。一般情况,出版社会免费邮寄。由一刻馆代理出版的游戏,(标有红色一刻馆logo)由一刻馆提供全部售后服务。如进化,创世发明,冰壶等。请买家下单前仔细阅读以上声明,下单即默认接受,卖家不接受以上问题所带来的中差评和售后要求。